So long, farewell! (November Writing Challenge)
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So, November is almost here! Wow, is there any one who is excited? Apprehensive? I know I am! For many writers, this is the advent of a month filled with frenzied scribbling as they join up on NaNoWriMo (National November Writing Month, a website any writer can sign up with, that challenges them to write a 50,000 word novel in the space of one month.) Since the beginning of the year, I have been looking forward to the month of November. I didn't have it in my plans to join NaNoWriMo this year because I didn't want to start a new novel while The Crown of Life lay untouched slowly collecting layers of dust--"pickling" as my dad would say. I had another little plan though. This is the plan! Throughout the month of November, I am challenging myself to work extra hard in my work-in-progress, The Crown of Life, and try (remember, I said simply try!) to finish the first draft of the novel before December 1.
Considering that I have schoolwork, family activities and choir-practice to juggle with as well (for us Southern-Hemisphereians November is not such a perfect writing month like most of you up north with summer so close and all!), I have my doubts that I will be able to finish it as I'd like. However, that does not mean I will not attempt it, and at the least my main goal is to progress as much as I can in the story and cross as much ground in the tale, so that even if I do not complete The Crown of Life this coming month, I will be significantly near the finish line. Knowing that officially NaNo demands that you start a new novel for the project, I had been planning on not joining in this year. But when I found out that others (i.e Jenny and Emily) are going to bend the rules a bit and work on their novels-in-progress without cheating, the idea appealed to me. So, I have signed up with the name "Joy C." (you can find me among Jenny or Abigail's buddies). Feel free to buddy me if you like! But my reasons in joining are not in winning or writing 50,000 words (though I plan on writing as much as I can!!), but rather to keep connected with other writers who are, like me, challenging themselves to a MOUNTAIN of writing during the month of November. So what do you think?
To be able to accomplish my goal, though, I am going to take a month's break from using the internet (that includes e-mails, fb, pinterest, blogging etc.). This means you won't see me around here on Fullness of Joy for a while while I am away scribbling. It will be mighty hard to pull myself away from you all for a full month, but I do believe that the break will be good for me (besides of course being necessary if I want to remove unneeded distractions for me to be able to write). Lately I have been a little overwhelmed with how much I've been on the internet, so much so that it often has taken time away from more important things in life: God, family, school... and obviously writing. So, despite the fact that I don't want to say bye to you all for this long, I am glad.
Lord willing, when I come back to Fullness of Joy in December, I hope to meet you with a big chunk of writing from The Crown of Life under my arm, and hopefully feel refreshed by the break as well.
But! I have no intention of abandoning you cruelly without any posts for a whole month--goodness, what a horrible thought! Throughout the month of November, Lord willing, some lovely young ladies and sisters in Christ will be guest-posting on Fullness of Joy and will keep it well-cared for and busy while I am away. I sure do hope you enjoy all their posts (I know I am/have!) and please do feel free to share your own thoughts and encouragements with them through comments!. And lastly, I just want to say thank you all who are contributing and helping me through those posts; it is such an honour to have you on Fullness of Joy!!
So, I am really excited about this, but a bit panicky too, of course.
But I shall do my best, and try not to worry, but rather enjoy the ride and pray and trust the Lord to help me with this challenge. I hope you enjoy the ride too and are blessed!
Until next month then, dear sisters. Au revoir!
And God bless.
P.S. my apologizes for this hastily written post with all the incorrect punctuation and grammar and all. It is November in only a very few hours after all and I guess the panic of it is creeping on me somewhat. But, here is a wonderful verse that encouraged me this morning that I hope will bless you too. Oh, let us give thanks to the Lord; for He IS good and His mercies endure forever!
P.S. my apologizes for this hastily written post with all the incorrect punctuation and grammar and all. It is November in only a very few hours after all and I guess the panic of it is creeping on me somewhat. But, here is a wonderful verse that encouraged me this morning that I hope will bless you too. Oh, let us give thanks to the Lord; for He IS good and His mercies endure forever!
"Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.
For His mercy endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so...
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
For He satisfies the longing soul,
And fills the hungry soul with goodness."
Psalm 107: 1-2 and 8-9 (NKJV)
I know you are gone, but when you get back I tagged you on my blog! :)
Thank you, Elizabeth!