Each Little Letter In Its Place

Here is a song all ACE students (including myself) have learnt while at Primary School doing ABC with Ace and Christie; I don't know the composer, but it's really a lovely ABC song for children...

Each little letter in its place
Has a very different face
All in a row their place is set
We know them as the alphabet
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
H, I, J, K, L, M, N
O, P, Q, R, S, T
U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
Letters make names as well you see
"Jesus" is best of all to me.
He is the one who died for me
So from sin I could be free.
You will want to know Him too
You will find His word is true!


  1. This is a very cute post, Joy:) It is a lovely ABC song for sure.
    God bless.

  2. this is my favourite A B C song Joy!!

  3. A part is missing...!! Something like...How many words both grate and small we are be able to record letters make names as well you see...! :) kind off...haha I dont remember very well! ;)

    1. yes... it is...
      How many words both great and small
      will I be able to recall....

  4. A very good song. What is the title of this song? I want to share it to my preschool.


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